Denial of service attack
Denial of service attack
When a large number of collaborated system attacks a solo target, it causes denial of service for users that are exists in the under attack system. The overflow of incoming message to the attacked system basically causes it to shut down. This is known as distributed denial-of-service [DDoS].
Typically in DDoS attack, the attacker instigates by exploiting weakness in the computer system and making it the DDoS master. The botmaster i.e. the attack master locates and locates and infects other weak systems with malware. Ultimately the attacker directs the controlled machines to unveil an attack against an indicated target
DDoS attacks are of two types
1) A network concentrated attack which burdens a service by consuming the bandwidth
2) An application layer attack which burdens a service or database by application calls.
The flooding of packets towards the target causes denial of service. The target of DDoS as a victim is given main focus by media, while actually there are numerous victims in a DDoS attack—the ultimate target as well as the system controlled by the invader. While the owners of co-opted computers are usually unaware that their computer has been jeopardized, yet they are likely to undergo a degradation of service and not function welcome.
A computer under the control of an invader is known as a bot or Zombie. Group of co-opted computers is known as zombie army or botnet. Couple of antivirus labs acknowledged botnets as the biggest threat to internet security.
1. Latest updates must be installed to your servers
Where ever there are vulnerabilities to your network, attackers will discover a path to exploit them. Certain network level weaknesses are addressed by outstanding software patches. Be vigilant and make sure that the out of date software do not become an entry point for attackers
2. Security products of application level should be used
The application level of the equipment stack are increasingly becoming targeted by the DDoS attackers. Less artificial traffic is required to flood dynamic page request within the applications when compared to flood the network and line in the datacenter. Make use of firewall to filter the unsolicited traffic on the application layer.
3. Pay for protective infrastructure
Large website regularly Pay for DDoS protection device suite in the application layer. These addons offer extra security firewall competence than that offered at the basic level infrastructure setup.
4. Forward caches to be used to your advantage
Protection is needed for caching servers also as they are at risk and not only the application servers. Consideration in the forward caches like Squid and Varnish will check the unsolicited traffic
5. Use a CDN to transport static assets
Content delivery network (CDN) assists in relieving strain on the source servers by attending request from edge servers all over the world. In an appropriately set up CDN few request like secure transaction and dynamic assets will have to be catered by origin. The website would be functional with limited utility through the CDN caches even though the main server has been attacked by low magnitude DDoS outbreak. The site would not be completely down. In case the magnitude of the attack is trivial, then there might be extra bandwidth with the source servers which is adequate to enthrall the attack. This is possible due to the CDN offload