Server and its types
Server is a device or computer on a network that manages the network resources. Servers are regularly dedicated, which means that they perform only their server tasks and no other tasks. A single computer can perform several programs at once if enabled with a multiprocessing operating system. In such a case a server denotes to the program that is handling resources and not the entire computer. The different types of server are:-
Proxy server
A server that is parked amid a client platform (normally a web browser) and a peripheral server (usually an extra server on the web) to screen request, share a connection and enhance performance.
Mail Server
We are as Universal and important as web servers, these are used to transfer and store email across commercial networks (via LANs & WANs) and the Internet
Server Platforms
Is a term that is frequently used as a synonym to an operating system. The Primary hardware or software used for a system and is the engine that drives the server, is known as a platform
Web Server
Fundamentally by loading a file from a disk and serving it through the network to a Web browser used by the user. The webserver servers’ aids content to a web browser which is static like the server and the browser communicating to each other using HTTP
Application Server
Application servers occupy a huge amount of computing zone between that end-user and the database servers, often connect the two. At times also known as a type of middleware.
Real-Time Communication Server
Allow a great number of users to interchange information almost instantly. They were previously known as Chat servers or IRC servers or sometimes denoted as instant messaging (IM)
FTP Server
It is possible to move one or more flies securely in between computers whereas providing organization, file security and also transfer control, this is possible due to File Transfer Protocol and this also one of the earliest of the Internet services
Collaboration Server
The original power of the web is demonstrated by the collaboration software which was previously known as groupware, the purpose of the collaboration software is to allow users to collaborate, irrespective of location via the internet or corporate intranet and in a virtual atmosphere to work together.
List Server
A mailing list can be managed in a better way by List servers, be it interactive discussion open to public or single-way list that convey announcements, advertising or newsletters.
Telnet Server
Telnet server allows the user to access a host computer and execute tasks just like they’re working using the remote computer itself.
Open Source Server
Open source software are a critical portion of many IT infrastructures. Open source server consists of the basic open source server operating system to server software that will assist us to complete our work.
Virtual Server
The number of virtual servers set up surpassed the number of physical servers. Now days server virtualization has become universal in the data center. Virtual server acts like dedicated server.